Information for parents, guardians and carers on filling in a Family Contact Form
Please complete our form for your disabled child who would like to attend Bamboozle Family and community activities. If you have more than one disabled child, please complete a separate form for each child.
Why are you asking me for this information? If we have this information about your family, we can make sure we are creating the right experiences for your family.
What will you use it for? We will use it to help us to plan our activities and to contact you about the family activities you might be interested in. We may use some of the data you provide in an anonymised form to help us to evaluate our work and understand more about the types of people we are reaching.
Where will you keep it? This information will be saved securely on Bamboozle’s hard drives and Bamboozle’s Microsoft Sharepoint and will only be made accessible to members of Bamboozle’s workforce who need to access the information for the purposes described above.
How long will you keep it for? We will keep the information for 3 years after you are last in touch with us, unless you tell us you want us to delete it.
How will you keep it up to date? We will contact you once a year to remind you about the information we hold about you, in order that you can tell us if anything has changed. If anything changes in the meantime, please let us know and we will update our records.
Will you share it with anybody? The information you provide on this form will never be shared outside of Bamboozle unless it is in an anonymised form (for example we may report to funders the total number of people we worked with on a project, but no names or identifying information would be included).
What if I don’t want to give you this information? If you don’t want to provide us with this information then we will be unable to hold your details in our family data base and will not be able to contact you about family activities which may be relevant to you, other than through more general channels such as social media or our more general mailing lists if you are signed up to those.
What if I decide I no longer want you to use this information? Please contact us via the contact details on the bottom of this page and we will remove your personal information from our systems. However, this means we won’t be able to contact you about future activities
Under the General Data protection regulations you have a number of individual rights. You can find out more about these rights here:
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.
You can read our full privacy notice here.
Thank you for completing our form. If you have any questions, please contact us on 0116 255 2065.
Unit 10 St Mary's Works | 115 Burnmoor Street | Leicester LE2 7JL | 0116 255 2065
Registered Charity Number: 1136157 | Registered in England and Wales.
Company No. 7193792