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creating possibilities for disabled children

Bamboozle Summer School

How you can create performances for learning disabled audiences.

“Somebody told me this course would be life changing, and I didn’t believe them. However, it’s true! The Bamboozle approach teaches you the power of language and value which you can apply to children, but also in everyday life too.– Sarah, Masterclass Participant 2023.

When: Next dates to be announced.

Where: Curve Theatre, Leicester.

Who for: Theatre practitioners – directors, actors, musicians, designers, facilitators, producers

Tutors: Christopher Davies Artistic Director and Nicole Arkless, Education Co-ordinator and a Bamboozle Performer

“Bamboozle is the only place we have found that we can go as a whole family and be valued and accepted unconditionally. To feel this is a very special, powerful and healing experience for each of us.”  – Clare Blakey, parent.

Content of Summer School:

We will share with you what we have learnt over the last 30 years and how you can use some of these learnings in your work.

During the week you will find out about:

  1. The Bamboozle Approach – our methodology that you can use to make connections with your audience
  2. how you can structure a show for LD audiences
  3. which multi-sensory strategies are applicable for performance
  4. what you could take into consideration when designing and constructing sets/props
  5. what you could take into consideration when composing the music and songs

We will work in two groups to create two short multi-sensory performances – one for autistic young people and one for those described as having profound and multiple learning disabilities or complex needs. These will be shared with the respective audiences on Friday afternoon.

“I would highly recommend (Bamboozle) to any school – a life without this type of high-quality Arts experience is a life diminished in my view. Uplifting, captivating and great fun – bravo to you all!” – Sally Burston, Headteacher, Delamere School.

Unit 10 St Mary's Works | 115 Burnmoor Street | Leicester LE2 7JL | 0116 255 2065
Registered Charity Number: 1136157 | Registered in England and Wales.
Company No. 7193792